Shri Swami Sachchidanand Chikitsalay


Dharkundi Satna (M.P.)


X-RAY Department

Our hospital has many facilities that will help you. We have various departments, one of which is the X-ray department. Which is done by modern machine. X-ray radiation is known as ionising radiation. The dose of radiation involved is very low and is similar in strength to natural radiation that people are exposed to every day. The radiographer always ensures the radiation dose is kept as low as possible and that the benefits of a patient having the X-ray outweighs any risks. Preparing for your general X-ray.

Types of Fractures

    Fractures have a variety of names. Below is a listing of the common types that may occur:
  • Greenstick - Incomplete fracture. The broken bone is not completely separated.
  • Transverse - The break is in a straight line across the bone.
  • Spiral - The break spirals around the bone; common in a twisting injury.
  • Oblique - Diagonal break across the bone.
  • Compression - The bone is crushed, causing the broken bone to be wider or flatter in appearance.
  • Comminuted - The break is in three or more pieces and fragments are present at the fracture site.
  • Segmental - The same bone is fractured in two places, so there is a "floating" segment of bone.

Last updated 3 mins ago
